Sunday, March 9, 2008

Shower time

The Lord often speaks to me in the shower. It's one of the few places he can catch me alone. This morning I was thinking about a dear friend of mine that has moved away. She told me that they have thought of moving back, but that this place was a spiritual wasteland. a spiritual wasteland......... hmm......

I began to look at my life to see if this were true for me. The Lord brought to mind a song from the 60's by Carole King, "Tapestry." I'm humming it to myself, right now. "My life is like a tapestry of rich and royal hues....." I was so moved by this song and the realization of how true this is in my life.

Before I came to know the Lord my life was like a black and white, two dimensional picture. Now, in Him, it is full of depth and rich color. Every day with Him more dimensions and colors are added. He is so rich.......the richest of fare. The only way to know this is to know Him.

So, if Carole King will forgive me, I'm going to mess with her song a little and change the words a bit.

"My life is like a tapestry of rich an royal hues, the never ending presence of a never ending You........"

I am blessed and God is good!!!


LaRessie said...

BEAUTIFUL... you are up and running girl... YEAH.
YOU are a writer...

Janet said...

Awesome! I'm lovin' your blog. I had to sign up to leave you a comment...but I did it! Freebies! You added totally awesome Freebies!!!